Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy sets out how the Local Enterprise Partnership Network (Business Board Network) uses and protects any information that you give us when you use the Business Board Network website or share when communicating with the Business Board Network.

The Business Board Network is committed to protecting your privacy. To comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and to prevent unauthorised access, we follow strict procedures regarding the storage and disclosure of information that you consent to give us.

Who we are

The Business Board Network is a limited company registered in England and Wales with company number 9131200.

Registered business address: Oakley House, Headway Business Park, 3 Saxon Way West, Corby, NN18 9EZ, United Kingdom


What information do we collect?

Information that you provide by filling in our newsletter subscription form on our Business Board Network website or that you provide in our contact request from

If you contact us through email we may keep a record of that correspondence.

Personal data, or personal information, means any information about an individual from which that person can be identified. It does not include data where the identity has been removed (such as anonymous data).

We will only use your personal information when the law allows us to. The law says that we must identify a lawful basis for each use of your personal data. We rely on a number of lawful bases, including:

  1. Where we have obtained freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous consent from you to use your personal information in certain ways. For example subscribing to our newsletter
  2. Where we need to perform a contract that you have entered into with us.
  3. Where we need to comply with a legal obligation.
  4. Where it is necessary for us to use your personal information to pursue our legitimate interests (or those of a third party) and we believe that using your personal information in that way is not overridden by your interests or your fundamental rights.

The kind of information that we hold about you

We collect, store and use some or all of the following categories of personal information about you:

  • Usage information: IP address, location, browser details, operating system details, referral source, duration of visit, page views, website navigation information and service use details. We use Google Analytics to analyse the use and performance of our website and services. Our lawful basis for this processing is our legitimate interest in delivering our services, and monitoring and improving our website and services.
  • Communication information: email address, address, teBusiness Boardhone number, communications content, enquiries. We use this information to communicate with you, including responding to your questions, or providing information about our services, website or relationship. Our lawful basis for this processing is our legitimate interest in building our relationship and communicating with you.
  • Subscription information: name, email address, and organisation. We use this information to send you relevant newsletters. Our lawful basis for this processing is your consent when you signed up to receive our newsletter from the Business Board Network. If you no longer what to receive information about the Business Board Network you can at any time unsubscribe.

We use MailChimp as our newsletter automation platform. By confirming that you wish to receive our ecommunications, you acknowledge that the information you provide will be transferred to MailChimp for processing in accordance with their Privacy Policy and Terms

Who might we share your information with?

The Business Board Network does not share your information with anyone outside of the organisation, however, our website may, from time to time, contain links to other websites which may be of interest to you.  If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites have their own privacy policies and that we do not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies. Please check these policies before you submit any personal data to these websites.

Links to other websites

Our website may contain links to other websites of interest. However, once you have used these links to leave our site, you should note that we do not have any control over that other website. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such sites and such sites are not governed by this privacy statement.

How long do we hold your data?

We will only hold your data for as long as we need it for the purpose that we are using it for.

Where we are using your data for one of our legitimate interests, we will only hold your data for as long as we have that interest. In certain circumstances, you can ask us to stop using your data earlier. You can find more information about your rights below, alternatively you can contact us at any time using the contact details at the top of this page, under ‘Who we are’.


Our website uses cookies. Our Cookies Policy explains what cookies are, how we use cookies, how third-parties may use cookies, your choices regarding cookies and further information about cookies.

Analytical/performance cookies. They allow us to recognise and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors move around our website when they are using it. This helps us to improve the way our website works, for example, by ensuring that users are finding what they are looking for easily. Please note that third parties may also use cookies, over which we have no control.

We use Google Analytics to analyse the usage of our website. Google Analytics uses cookies to collect information about website use. You can find more information about Google Analytics in Google’s privacy policy here:

Cookies do not provide us with access to your computer or any information about you, other than that which you choose to share with us.

What are your rights?

You have a right at any time to stop us from contacting you. If you no longer wish to be contacted, please click here.

You have the right to be informed

We have a legal obligation to provide you with concise, transparent, intelligible and easily accessible information about your personal information and our use of it. We have written this policy to do just that, but if you have any questions or require more specific information, please contact us using the details at the top of this page.

You have the right to access your data

You have the right to ask us to confirm whether or not we hold any of your personal information. If we do, you have the right to have a copy of your information and to be informed of the following:

  • why we are using your information;
  • what categories of information we are using;
  • who we have shared your information with; and
  • how long we envisage holding your information.

In order to maintain the security of your information, we will have to verify your identity before we provide you with a copy of the information we hold.

You have the right to correct our records

Where you have requested a copy of the information we hold about you, you may notice that there are inaccuracies in the records, or that certain parts are incomplete. If this is the case you can contact us so that we can correct our records.

You have the right to be forgotten

There may be times where it is no longer necessary for us to hold personal information about you. This could be if:

  • the information is no longer needed for the original purpose that we collected it for;
  • you withdraw your consent for us to use the information (and we have no other legal reason to keep using it);
  • you object to us using your information and we have no overriding reason to keep using it;
  • we have used your information unlawfully; or
  • we are subject to a legal requirement to delete your information.

In those situations, you have the right to have your personal data deleted.

You have the right restrict how we use your information

You have the right to ask us to stop using your personal data in any way other than simply keeping a copy of it. This right is available where:

  • you have informed us that the information we hold about you is inaccurate, and we have not yet been able to verify this;
  • you have objected to us using your information for our own legitimate interests and we are in the process of considering your objection;
  • we have used your information in an unlawful way, but you do not want us to delete your data; and,
  • we no longer need to use the information, but you need it for a legal claim.

How can I access the information you hold about me?

If you have any comments, questions or concerns about how or why we use your data, how long we keep it or what rights you have over it please contact us at

Any questions?

If you have any concerns over how we use your data, please contact us in the first instance so that we can try to help. Our contact details are listed above under ‘Who we are’.

If you are not satisfied with our response, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (the ICO), who oversee enforcement of the GDPR.

Business Board Network - 25 May 2018

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