Policy Areas

Net Zero


LEPs are key drivers of net zero ambitions at a local level.  Click for a cross section of LEP activity in this space.

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A referendum was held on Thursday 23 June, 2016, to decide whether the UK should leave or remain in the European Union. Leave won by 51.9% to 48.1%.


Local Industrial Strategies


Local Industrial Strategies will be long-term, based on clear evidence and aligned to the national Industrial Strategy. They will set out clearly defined priorities for how cities, towns and rural areas will maximise their contribution to UK productivity. 

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Industrial Strategy


LEPs are key delivery partners for the success of the Industrial Strategy. LEPs will work with partners to produce local industrial strategies that identify how to increase productivity that benefits the local economy and creates inclusive growth.


European Structural and Investment Funds


Thirty-eight Enterprise Partnership areas support the delivery of the 2014 to 2020 European Structural and Investment Funds (ESI) Funds Growth Programme in England. Each Local Enterprise Partnership area has a sub-committee that provides implementation advice to the Managing Authorities for the ESI Fund Growth Programme in England. In Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, this sub-committee is known as the Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI) Board.

Sector Deals


Sector Deals are a partnership between Government and Industry that focus on sector-specific issues that can create opportunities to boost productivity, employment, innovation and skills. LEPs will support sector deals though local industrial strategies and skills delivery.

Skills and Careers


LEPs work with employers and learning providers to identify the skills needs of the local population and business community. This knowledge is used to identify key priorities for further education delivery, labour market information and allocation of skills funding.

Housing & Infrastucture


LEPs are delivering over £7bn of local growth funding. These funds are unlocking the potential of LEP areas with major investment in infrastructure and housing.

Rural Economy


The rural economy is a key priority for many LEP areas. LEPs are working collectively to keep the needs of rural business high on the agenda in terms of connectivity and investment in skills.

Enterprise Zones


Established in 2012, Enterprise Zones are at the heart of the Government’s long-term economic plan, supporting businesses to grow.  They are designated areas across England which provide tax breaks and Government support and they are great places to do business for both new and expanding firms.  There are Enterprise Zones in most LEP areas and below is a list of each with links to Enterprise Zones.  For more information about the government’s strategy and policy for Enterprise Zones, click here







There are currently 13 LEP areas that are part of combined authority geographies. These LEPs provide the independent voice of business to the Mayor. 

Current combined authorities are

Cornwall & Isles of Scilly

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough

Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Liverpool City Region

Sheffield City Region

Leeds City Region

North East (2019)

Tees Valley Combined Authority

West Midlands Combined Authority (covering parts of Black Country, Greater Birmingham & Solihull, Coventry & Warwickshire)

West of England Combined Authority


Strategic Economic Plans


All LEPs have strategic economic plans which identify the strengths of the LEP area, the challenges to growth and the actions that the LEP will undertake with partners to address these challenges.

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